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Links to Other Websites




Burghley House


Churches Together in Stamford


The Diocese of Lincoln

Prayer links
Daily prayer recordings can be found online here
Daily prayer resources can be found here
Time to Pray app can be found here
(compatible with smartphones and tablets)

The Middle East Crisis  - It is through prayer that we are assured of the promise of John’s gospel. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. (John 1.5)You can find the resource on Christian Aid’s and Embrace’s websites by following these links...
Middle East Crisis - Resources for a Prayer Vigil - Christian Aid
Pray with Embrace — Embrace the Middle East (

Embrace and Christian Aid have both launched appeals to support their partners in Gaza once aid can get across the border. You can support these appeals by following these links.
Middle East Crisis Appeal | Christian Aid


Local Support Groups

The Church of England Online 

​Lincoln Cathedral

Edenham Regional House

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