Welcome to St Martin's Church, Stamford
Welcome to St Martin's! We are the parish church for the part of Stamford south of the River Welland, Stamford Baron, and we welcome all who seek God at any stage of faith. Do come and say hello and explore with us what it means to follow Jesus today.
The Revd Canon Mark Warrick, Priest in Charge
Current news & events
Each Sunday 09:30
Parish Eucharist (Holy Communion)
followed by fresh coffee and biscuits - all welcome, come and join us​
Sunday 20th October, Parish Eucharist at 11:00, later than usual
for The Burghley Sermon
Apologies for the disruption during the building work to create our toilet and kitchenette and ramped access. It will be well worth it!​​​
St Martin's Church, Stamford Baron sits on High Street, St Martin and dominates the skyline as you drive into Stamford. Our main service is on Sunday at 9:30am and is a Sung Eucharist. We enjoy very fine traditional worship at St Martin's with a mix of traditional language and dignified liturgy.
The building itself is a very important example of a complete perpendicular style and contains the tombs of the Cecil family from nearby Burghley House (some of them listed in their own right). Our community is small but very friendly and we enjoy welcoming new people and visitors to our church.
Our Church is open for visiting and as a place of prayer from 8am until around 5pm (these are only rough times and are subject to change depending on events in the building and availability). If you are travelling a long distance to visit, it is always worth contacting us first to make sure it is open for you. We are very happy to open the church 'out of hours' for people when they come a long way.